Dates for Xi'an 21cm cosmology workshop & Tianlai collaboration meeting
Reza Ansari
The 21cm Cosmology workshop & Tianlai collaboration 2025 meeting will be organised in Xi'an (China). A summer school will also be organised, starting before the workshop and overlapping with the workshop in the last 3-4 days.
This poll is intended to find the best dates for the meeting, based on the availability of potential participants.
Several 2 weeks period from the end of June to early august are proposed (6 choices in total). Note that that workshop itself will happen on the second week for each period.
Please fill the poll, indicating which are the period/dates where the participation to the workshop is compatible with your constraints. You have three options for your answers :
Yes (Green) : You would be able to attend the workshop if organised in the corresponding period
Maybe (Yellow) : You might be able to attend, but you have some constraints which might prevent you to attend or stay during the whole meeting
* No (Red) : you are not available during the corresponding period
Please fill the poll, even if you are not yet sure to participate - The poll will let us choose the best dates, accommodating constraints and preferences for the majority of potential participants. Answering Yes/Maybe doesn't mean that you will participate, but simply that the dates are compatible with your constraints.
Votes du sondage
Meilleur choix
Pour l'instant, le choix ayant reçu le plus grand nombre de votes est :
- 6 - 18 July (workshop : 15-18 July) 2025
avec 6 votes.